• This preventative approach is particularly effective for individuals who have started to notice early signs of aging or have a family history of deep wrinkles.  Neuromodulators can also significantly reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles allowing the skin to appear smoother and more youthful. The procedure is generally safe and minimally invasive, with little to no downtime. Results typically last for several months, after which further injections may be required to maintain the desired effect. Discover the power of neurotoxin injections for a rejuvenated appearance by booking a free virtual consultation with us!


  • However, its levels decrease with age, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of facial fullness. By injecting hyaluronic acid fillers into specific areas, it replenishes lost volume, smoothens wrinkles, and enhances facial contours. Other fillers, like calcium hydroxyapatite, not only provides immediate volume but also stimulate innate collagen production, leading to longer-lasting results. This combination of increasing hydration, restoring volume, and boosting collagen production results in a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Discover the ART of dermal fillers by booking a virtual consultation with us!



  • This process, known as adipolysis, leads to the release and subsequent removal of the fat contents from the body over time, resulting in a more contoured and sculpted appearance. This treatment is often used as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction, offering a way to specifically target and reduce localized areas of fat without the need for invasive procedures. It is important to note that the results of PCDC treatments are permanent, as the treated fat cells are destroyed and do not regenerate. A series of 4-6 treatments are generally required for desired effect, Book a free virtual consultation with us to see if PCDC is the right option for you!


  • PRP is also used for soft tissue regeneration, such as facial rejuvenation. When injected into the skin, PRP stimulates collagen production, improves skin texture, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The natural approach to cosmetic treatments, using the body's own healing mechanisms, has made PRP an attractive option for individuals seeking non-surgical solutions for hair loss and facial rejuvenation. At the ART Clinic, we use World PRP, an advanced PRP system, which offers several advantages over others, including increased volume and viability of plasma cells with up to 4.1 billion platelets per vial and tailored treatments. Book a free virtual consultation with us to see if PRP is right for you!


  • At the ART Clinic, we use the Dermapen4, the latest microneedling system that offers several advantages over other systems, with its advanced technology and design. Dermapen4 features a motorized pen-like device with adjustable needle depth, speed, and penetration, allowing for precise and customizable treatments. The device utilities disposable, single-use needle cartridges, preventing cross-contamination and infection and ensuring a safe treatment. The needles are also designed to minimize discomfort and trauma to the skin, resulting in a more comfortable experience with minimal downtime. Book a free virtual consultation with us to see if Dermapen4 would be a suitable treatment option for you!


  • Morpheus8 uses FDA-approved radiofrequency energy combined with microneedles to encourage a healing response from the skin which results in an increase in elastin and collagen production. The radiofrequency energy also works to heat tissue beneath the skin to tighten connective fibers which causes a lifting and tightening effect on the skin.

    Morpheus8 is a state-of-the-art solution for anyone looking to address a variety of frustrating skin issues. This cutting-edge treatment combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy to provide enhanced collagen-building results. While Morpheus8 is typically a face and neck treatment, it can be used on a number of other areas to address issues like sagging skin and stretch marks.


  • The Plus 90 treatment delivers radio-frequency energy to these tissues in exactly the right amounts to stimulate and rejuvenate their health and appearance.

    Plus 90 is a very simple treatment that has helped many women around the world. Childbirth, aging and weight loss can all be the cause of poorly supported vaginal structures which can result in sagging and laxity of the genital tissues and discomfort during sexual relations or urinary incontinence. Childbirth and aging will often cause widening of the vaginal canal which can result in decreased sensation and stimulation during sex. Atrophy or thinning of the vaginal lining can cause hypersensitivity, dryness and pain.